I have a 120GB hard drive with 5 partitions and about 25GB of data. I would
like to get an external hard drive to backup on a regular. Do I need a
120GB or larger external or will a smaller 80 - 100Gb work?
Any recommendations as to what external drive to buy?
Phil B.
A smaller one will work, but 120GB drives are now at pretty
low price-points, you'd not be saving much to get a smaller
and/or older/slower drive. Overall system performance might
be improved by buying a larger or faster (or both) drive
then using that as the main system drive and the 120GB could
be put in the external enclosure, providing it uses same
interface type. In the past the external enclosures (those
at the consumer pricing) were all PATA, but today I don't
know, there may be some SATA too.
Which to buy depends on whether you want specific features
of the backup software (if included) per a particular drive.
Read reviews of their software to pick what you need.
Otherwise buy based on price or interface- Firewire is
usually faster in use (if your system supports it).