I use a couple of USB2 hard drives as back ups for the computers that I use.
When any one is plugged in it would acquire a drive letter the next in line
alphabetic line, till it is removed. I understand this is the way it works
and is perfectly fine with me.
But from recently, I find that if, for example, I plug in USB Drive A into
Computer A and it assigns itself the drive letter H (the last drive on that
PC being G), then unplug it and use it on Computer B, it will now assign
itself the temporary drive letter H! This is even if the last drive of the
second computer is not G. This holds for other PCs as well except in the
case where the last internal drive is greater than G, when the USB Drive A
now assigns for itself the next available drive letter.
Is there a way to reset this to the way it was before? I run certain back up
and transfer routines on individual machines that were set to run with each
external drive with the next available drive letter for the respective
I hope I am making myself clear here.
Regards and thanks in anticipation.
When any one is plugged in it would acquire a drive letter the next in line
alphabetic line, till it is removed. I understand this is the way it works
and is perfectly fine with me.
But from recently, I find that if, for example, I plug in USB Drive A into
Computer A and it assigns itself the drive letter H (the last drive on that
PC being G), then unplug it and use it on Computer B, it will now assign
itself the temporary drive letter H! This is even if the last drive of the
second computer is not G. This holds for other PCs as well except in the
case where the last internal drive is greater than G, when the USB Drive A
now assigns for itself the next available drive letter.
Is there a way to reset this to the way it was before? I run certain back up
and transfer routines on individual machines that were set to run with each
external drive with the next available drive letter for the respective
I hope I am making myself clear here.
Regards and thanks in anticipation.