External CD/DVD Drive

Mar 5, 2004
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I was thinking that i need to replace my CD/DVD drive in my laptop, and rather than give Sony any money, i was going to buy an external drive. Does anyone have an experience of external drives? Any good?!

To be honest, i dont really need a DVD writer, so i was going to buy one of the CD R/W plus DVD player drives. It is possible to buy an internal drive and then get an external casing for it, isn't it? Or is it better just to buy a proper external device?

Cheers ma deers!

P.S. Does anyone know of any good computer retailers in oz? Cant seem to find any online dealers along the lines of ebuyer or overclockers!!
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It is possible to buy an internal drive and then get an external casing for it ...
Yep ... same as a hard drive ... it won't matter if you buy separate, or one done for you ... price 'em up and make sure it is "high-speed" USB is all.

Plexter drives are great, internal or external you choose. I have both types and would not buy anything else. If you have never driven a Ferrari, you would not know what driving pleasure really means :D
Quadophile said:
Plexter drives are great, internal or external you choose. I have both types and would not buy anything else. If you have never driven a Ferrari, you would not know what driving pleasure really means :D

I've driven a Ford Prefect 100E :)
Quadophile said:
At what speed does it burn? :D

Ok, I'll bite :D

0-50 in about 3 days, I think.

What a car that was, hehe ;)

I've never driven a Ferrari. Nor a Lambhorghinni.

But I have driven a Morgan, a Lotus 7 and a Mini-Moke, that'll do :)
How the hell did we get from external cd writers to drivnig a mini-moke?!! :-/

I think im going to go for an internal one and stick it in an external case. That way when i get my laptop fixed, i can stick the internal drive into a desktop computer!! Ah ha!! Good thinking batman!

Does anyone know if ebuyer ship to oz cheap?! :-)
Floppy will drive it there in his Merc for you ...
