External 56k V92 modem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chuck
  • Start date Start date


I just changed motherboards and redid Windows XP. Most of
my software and hardware came over but I lost the setup
for the modem. It is a modemBlaster Ext. Windows
recognizes it and says it is working properly, but when I
go to Internet options and try to use the Wizard to set
the modem, it tells me it is either broadband or dsl and
the dial up option is grayed out. How do I get around
that? Also, I have a netzero account and if I tell it to
dial, it comes back no modem attached. If anybody can
help, I awould appreciate it.
Your modem may be old or not compatible with XP. I have
the same/similar problem. Since I upgraded to XP, I can't
use my modem so I guess I will have to replace it. I only
need it for WinFaxPro anyway but I have a separate fax