Hi Jeff.
Best if you use range names in your formulas if you want your data table to
be dynamic, the way you have described. For instance, say you have 2 columns
of data for Name(cell A1) and Bags Sold(cell B1) and you have a formula(Sum)
in cell B30 adding up all the Bag Sold to give a grand total. The formula
=Sum(B2:B29) would be okay till as you have mentioned, you get to sell b29,
and run out of space.
Solution: Highlight the range of cells(B2:B29) that you're starting with,
and then give the range a descriptive name - e.g "grandtotalbagsales" using
the "Insert-Name-Define" command (on the main menu) or do it quicker by
typing the descriptive name for the range into the "name box" to the left of
the formula bar.
Next, use simply replace the formula for the grand total in cell B30 with
Once you've done the above, all you need to do subsequently is place your
cursor on the last row of your named range and use the insert command to add
any number of rows you want to include(you must ensure you insert rows while
your cursor is in one of the rows within the named range for this to work).
You should be able to do this and still keep the formulas that you use(i.e
you'll have no need to modify them every time you add rows).
I think you'll find the tips on Pierre Le Clerc's website on this subject
also helpful -
Hope this helps + sorry it's a bit long-winded
