Well, after a couple of weeks trying to decide between the Epson R300,
HP 7760 and Canon IP5000 I've decided to go with the Epson, the thing
that decided it was the C$80 off (up till yesterday) and the ability to
print directly to cd media.
I am now tossing the idea around of the added 4 year warranty for 49$, I
normally dont give extended warranties a second thought, but one of the
I.T. people I know said that it can be a good idea for printers. Other
than the odd clogged head (that I fixed with windex) on my old stylus
color 400 I've never had any trouble with it, but it has seen minimal
use compared to the use this new one is going to get.
So.. extended warranty, worth it or not??
HP 7760 and Canon IP5000 I've decided to go with the Epson, the thing
that decided it was the C$80 off (up till yesterday) and the ability to
print directly to cd media.
I am now tossing the idea around of the added 4 year warranty for 49$, I
normally dont give extended warranties a second thought, but one of the
I.T. people I know said that it can be a good idea for printers. Other
than the odd clogged head (that I fixed with windex) on my old stylus
color 400 I've never had any trouble with it, but it has seen minimal
use compared to the use this new one is going to get.
So.. extended warranty, worth it or not??