I've got an incrementing number in a form that increases
one number after every record is entered. The increments
start over at 1 every year. I've got an expression in a
field in the form that makes the number appear this way
based on the month and year for every record entered: Here
is the expression: =([numCompanyNumber])&"-"&Format
"&Format([AEID],"0000"). It appears in the form like
this: 23-01-04-0001 - 23(companynumber), 01(month), 04
(year), 0001(first record of that year).
This works good in the form and reports where I have the
expression. My question is how can I use this expression
in a query to search for records with that expression
number format?
I'm using Access2000.
one number after every record is entered. The increments
start over at 1 every year. I've got an expression in a
field in the form that makes the number appear this way
based on the month and year for every record entered: Here
is the expression: =([numCompanyNumber])&"-"&Format
"&Format([AEID],"0000"). It appears in the form like
this: 23-01-04-0001 - 23(companynumber), 01(month), 04
(year), 0001(first record of that year).
This works good in the form and reports where I have the
expression. My question is how can I use this expression
in a query to search for records with that expression
number format?
I'm using Access2000.