I'll offer you a few tips/ suggestions:
1). The people here are under no obligation to answer anything. They are
generously donating their time and knowledge. Keep your tone amiable.
2). Stick to one thread to keep the dialogue going until you get the results
you're after. If you're not getting the answer you desire, then perhaps you
need to rephrase your question or explain your situation more clearly. Your
previous posts used "AutoNumber" in the subject line. That has a very
distinct meaning in Access, which is why you received the answers you did.
Now had you stuck to the original thread, and explained that it was really
an incrementing number you were after, I'm 99.9% certain that it would have
been promptly resolved.
3). Generic questions receive generic answers. The more pertinent info you
provide, the better your chances of getting an answer specific to your
particular problem.
4). If you've read this far down the page, try looking up DMax() and Nz() in
the help files. Then post back if you need more help.