Has anyone created a site in Expression Web that shows a marked improvement
on that available with FrontPage?
If you don't mind supplying a link so we can view the site it would be
really useful. The sites shown on the MS links tend to be based around
photographers (for some reason only known to MS) so they are not much use to
The reason for asking is that we are just about to start development of a
completely new site and we are wondering if there is a benefit to the extra
work involved in learning the basics of Expression Web. At the moment we are
sitting looking at a blank screen that (hopefully) in 6 weeks will go live as
a new company product feed and sales tool.
Basically we have heard about FP being phased out and are wondering if we
should create the new in FP or EW.
Is there an Expression Web forum similar to this one
Many thanks
Has anyone created a site in Expression Web that shows a marked improvement
on that available with FrontPage?
If you don't mind supplying a link so we can view the site it would be
really useful. The sites shown on the MS links tend to be based around
photographers (for some reason only known to MS) so they are not much use to
The reason for asking is that we are just about to start development of a
completely new site and we are wondering if there is a benefit to the extra
work involved in learning the basics of Expression Web. At the moment we are
sitting looking at a blank screen that (hopefully) in 6 weeks will go live as
a new company product feed and sales tool.
Basically we have heard about FP being phased out and are wondering if we
should create the new in FP or EW.
Is there an Expression Web forum similar to this one
Many thanks