Expression to manipulate dates

  • Thread starter Thread starter Christine
  • Start date Start date


I've got the data table set up and loaded and I've got my
report designed as to layout and data variables wanted.
What I can't figure out is how to create an expression
that will just pull the info relating to a specific
month. I want to be able to pull a report for all rentals
due in any given month. So when I tell the report to
preview I want it to ask me what month.

The data field is month day only (formatted "mmmm d" so it
shows December 23)

I can't figure out the expression or is it an operation.
Maybe I'd be better off having a labotomy!
Use a query as the record source for the report. This query should select
records from your table.

Under the DateDataField, use this expression:
Between DateSerial([Enter the year:]), Month([Enter the month by number
(1=January, etc.):], 1) And DateSerial([Enter the year:]), Month([Enter the
month by number (1=January, etc.):] + 1, 0)

PMFJI. Ken's excellent advice is based on the assumption that in the
end, your date field is actually of a Date/Time data type. Is it?

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP