By 'collate' you did mean to sum the column did you not.
Open the form that is the subform in design view. Click on menu VIEW - Form
Header/Footer. This adds a header and footer to the form. Drag the headerto
reduce it's size to nothing.
Click on the toolbox icon - looks like a hammer and wrench forming an 'X'.
Click on the Textbox icon - contains 'AbI' - and then click in the footer,
hold down the left mouse button and drag to size the text box.
Click on menu VIEW - Properties. Click in the new text box and in the
Control Source property type in = Sum([YourColumnName]) and save.
If you meant something besides totaling the column then post back an
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Pete said:
Sorry, I am not managing. Need the application of a more skilful mind.
Try using a footer on the form for totals.
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Is there an expression to collate text in a SubForm column in the same way
that there is an expression to total numbers or count the records? If so,
please enlighten me. It will save days of collating. Thanks.