Expression in calculated query field



I have query with columns: Date, Amount, Delinquency (which has 5 catergories)
I was trying to create a calculated field in the same query (or another
query based on this one) which would return me the result of the following
calculations: Amount where the Del = 30 divided by the Amount with Del=cur
but from the previous Date
I’m very inexperienced with Access but it seems to me there is supposed to
be a way to do it.
I would appreciate anybody’s help


One of my pitiful attempts looked something like that, obviously wrong, but
it probably would give more idea what i want to do.

SELECT D.Date, D.U where D.Del = '30'/ d.U where D.Del ='Cur' and
D.Date=(DateSerial(Year([Date]),Month([Date])-0,0)) AS RollRate_u,
FROM Delinquencies d;


where D.Del = '30'/ d.U
You are really mixing things up. You have the number 30 on quotes to make
it text so it can not be divided by a number.
Wrong syntax here but you are saying that Del must be '30' and 'Cur' at the
same time. That is impossible.

I recommend that you use the graphical interface to create your query.
Start simple - selecting the fields you want, run it, and then start adding
criterias one at a time.
Build a little - Test a little

Juli Intern said:
One of my pitiful attempts looked something like that, obviously wrong, but
it probably would give more idea what i want to do.

SELECT D.Date, D.U where D.Del = '30'/ d.U where D.Del ='Cur' and
D.Date=(DateSerial(Year([Date]),Month([Date])-0,0)) AS RollRate_u,
FROM Delinquencies d;

Juli Intern said:
I have query with columns: Date, Amount, Delinquency (which has 5 catergories)
I was trying to create a calculated field in the same query (or another
query based on this one) which would return me the result of the following
calculations: Amount where the Del = 30 divided by the Amount with Del=cur
but from the previous Date
I’m very inexperienced with Access but it seems to me there is supposed to
be a way to do it.
I would appreciate anybody’s help

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