Mervyn Gould
Table has three fields "weekno","stdate","endate". last
two are time date format. Query to find the weekno from
todays date. In access97 the code in the criteria field
was "Between date()+1 and date()+7". This expression does
not work when we run the application on Access2000. The
Access help is a little confusing making reference
to "date" should be changed to "now". Substituting "now"
in place of "date" does not work. Can you help us get this
working correctly in Access2000.
two are time date format. Query to find the weekno from
todays date. In access97 the code in the criteria field
was "Between date()+1 and date()+7". This expression does
not work when we run the application on Access2000. The
Access help is a little confusing making reference
to "date" should be changed to "now". Substituting "now"
in place of "date" does not work. Can you help us get this
working correctly in Access2000.