Hi, Al
I am using Access 2002
I created detail reports with one level GROUP BY in the Group footer i have to display Total records. Some of the record
are blank, so when i print report it shows Total records - 10 (but if one is blank) i need to display - 9
I never used Expression Builder before - my Question: How can i print Total record with some critiria
If i build expression like this =Count(TempTicks!TicketNo) then i will get all record includes blanks
The next expression doesn't work!!
=Count(TempTicks!TicketNo) Where TempTick!ActCode = "10
Please Hel
I am using Access 2002
I created detail reports with one level GROUP BY in the Group footer i have to display Total records. Some of the record
are blank, so when i print report it shows Total records - 10 (but if one is blank) i need to display - 9
I never used Expression Builder before - my Question: How can i print Total record with some critiria
If i build expression like this =Count(TempTicks!TicketNo) then i will get all record includes blanks
The next expression doesn't work!!
=Count(TempTicks!TicketNo) Where TempTick!ActCode = "10
Please Hel