Expot to Access

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stuart Greville
  • Start date Start date

Stuart Greville


I need to export data in a worksheet to an access DB
table, however due to the amount of data, exporting row by
row is very long.
Is there a way where i can export the entire sheet in one
go with columns representing fields in the table?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


You can select the data in Excel and Copy. Open Access if
you have already creaded the database use
Edit, Paste-Append. The data will be added to existing
data. Access will produce an error message and a table of
errors that you should be able to delete (but check first).

If the Table has not been created then create a new table
in TAble view and Paste Append the data again. You can
alter the Field Names Later in design View.

One way or another all the data (same amount whichever way you choose) has
to be transferred from A to B.

Try some alternatives.

Which way is safer (probably no difference)?
Which way are YOU most comfortable with (YOU have to answer for the
Which is easier for YOU to maintain?

As an alternative why not try these ways of getting data to and from Excel
and Access.

It includes examples of using variables in SQL queries.

Or you can get there from the "Excel with Access Databases" section on page:

It demonstrates how to use SQL in Excel's VBA to:

* create a database,
* create a table and add data to it,
* select data from a table,
* delete a table,
* delete a database.

DAO and ADO files available.

You can also download the demonstration file called "excelsql.zip".

The code is open and commented

Andy Wiggins
Home of "Save and BackUp",
"The Excel Auditor" and "Byg Tools for VBA"