G. Vaught
I have managed to get two of the three fields I need to export out to Excel.
What I need now is to get the date that is typed in by the user when the
form opens. After the date is type in the user sees the grouping number
total and production date.
I am coding everything via VBA under the form to send the values to the
Excel Spreadsheet.
I make a connection to the database, open the recordset and then invoke the
Select statement this way. If I can get away from the form and get the query
to group by Grouping, Sum the work_mcf and prompt the user for a date, that
would be great.
The select statement I am using now came from the SQL created when I type
for a parameter in the query.
My last hurdle is passing the date collected from the parameter prompt along
with the other values. The error I am getting is: No value given for one or
more required parameters.
Do I need to add a parameters command? If so, I am not sure how to add it to
the code I already have. If there is an alternative, I am open to
'Partial Code below
Set cnn = CurrentProject.AccessConnection
Set rst = New adodb.Recordset
With rst
Set .ActiveConnection = cnn
.Source = "SELECT IIf([Meter_Name]=""Boehm"",2,1) AS Grouping,
Sum(tblMeterInfo.work_mcf) AS SumOfwork_mcf, tblMeterInfo.ProductionDate
FROM tblMeterInfo GROUP BY IIf([Meter_Name]=""Boehm"",2,1),
tblMeterInfo.ProductionDate HAVING (((tblMeterInfo.ProductionDate)=[Enter
Start Date]));" .CursorType = adOpenDynamic
End With
' Other code here that sets the worksheets
'Code to pass values from above query to to Excel Spreadsheet
'Copy Values to cells in the worksheet.
XlSheet.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rst
What I need now is to get the date that is typed in by the user when the
form opens. After the date is type in the user sees the grouping number
total and production date.
I am coding everything via VBA under the form to send the values to the
Excel Spreadsheet.
I make a connection to the database, open the recordset and then invoke the
Select statement this way. If I can get away from the form and get the query
to group by Grouping, Sum the work_mcf and prompt the user for a date, that
would be great.
The select statement I am using now came from the SQL created when I type
for a parameter in the query.
My last hurdle is passing the date collected from the parameter prompt along
with the other values. The error I am getting is: No value given for one or
more required parameters.
Do I need to add a parameters command? If so, I am not sure how to add it to
the code I already have. If there is an alternative, I am open to
'Partial Code below
Set cnn = CurrentProject.AccessConnection
Set rst = New adodb.Recordset
With rst
Set .ActiveConnection = cnn
.Source = "SELECT IIf([Meter_Name]=""Boehm"",2,1) AS Grouping,
Sum(tblMeterInfo.work_mcf) AS SumOfwork_mcf, tblMeterInfo.ProductionDate
FROM tblMeterInfo GROUP BY IIf([Meter_Name]=""Boehm"",2,1),
tblMeterInfo.ProductionDate HAVING (((tblMeterInfo.ProductionDate)=[Enter
Start Date]));" .CursorType = adOpenDynamic
End With
' Other code here that sets the worksheets
'Code to pass values from above query to to Excel Spreadsheet
'Copy Values to cells in the worksheet.
XlSheet.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rst