I have this database where the data from a table is needed to be exported .
Now I someone gave me a code that will open an preexisting excel sheet and
place all the data there. I love this code but the only problem is that this
code just keeps adding data to that excel sheet. I need a way to have like a
save dialog box appear, so that user will be able to save the file, so the
next time they run this, it won't keep adding. Please help.
here is the code I got::
Private Sub cmdExport_Click()
On Error GoTo LocalError
Dim WhereTo As String
Dim ProjectID As String
Dim rsClaimBreakDown As DAO.Recordset
Dim NoOfRecords As Integer
Dim NoOfWorksheets As Integer
If IsNull(Me.txtStartDate) Or IsNull(Me.txtEndDate) Then
MsgBox "Cannot continue, data missing from Start/End Date boxes. Please fill
out before continuing!", vbOKOnly, "Data Capture Error"
Exit Sub
End If
WhereTo = GetExportDirectory_Excel 'Open the save to dialog box
If WhereTo = "NoFile" Then Exit Sub
ProjectID = "WS"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL ("DELETE * FROM TempTbl_WorkstepClaimData")
DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO TempTbl_WorkstepClaimData ( ClientSurname,
ClientFirstname, ClientNINumber, StartDate, CEHours, EndDate,
ReasonForLeaving, ProgressionDate, SustainedProgressionDate, PlanDate) " & _
"SELECT DISTINCTROW tbl_Client.ClientSurname, tbl_Client.ClientFirstname,
tbl_Client.ClientNINumber, Tbl_Projects.StartDate,
Tbl_CurrentEmployers.CEHours, Tbl_Projects.EndDate,
Tbl_CurrentEmployers.ReasonForLeaving, Tbl_CurrentEmployers.ProgressionDate,
Tbl_CurrentEmployers.SustainedProgressionDate, Tbl_DevPlan.PlanDate " & _
"FROM ((Tbl_Projects INNER JOIN tbl_Client ON Tbl_Projects.ClientID =
tbl_Client.ClientID) LEFT JOIN Tbl_CurrentEmployers ON tbl_Client.ClientID =
Tbl_CurrentEmployers.ClientID) LEFT JOIN Tbl_DevPlan ON tbl_Client.ClientID =
Tbl_DevPlan.ClientID " & _
"WHERE (((Tbl_Projects.ProjectRef)='" & ProjectID & "'));")
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Set rsClaimBreakDown = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("TempTbl_WorkstepClaimData")
With rsClaimBreakDown
NoOfRecords = rsClaimBreakDown.RecordCount
End With
'================================================= =====
'Insert the data from the temptable to the excel sheet
'================================================= =====
Dim CellRef As Integer
Dim NoOfLoops As Integer
openexcel (WhereTo) 'Gets the location of the template
xl.UserControl = False 'Doesnt allow user any control whilst we run our update
xl.Worksheets(2).Select 'Selects the claim breakdown sheet
'This section inserts the correct number of rows into the body of the
NoOfLoops = NoOfRecords - 1
Do Until NoOfLoops = 0
xl.Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
xl.Selection.Copy 'need to copy the forumlas too, so cant just insert new rows
xl.Application.CutCopyMode = False 'takes the flashing cell thing away
NoOfLoops = NoOfLoops - 1
'Insert the dates
xl.Range("C8").Value = Forms![Frm_Workstep]!txtStartDate
xl.Range("B10").Value = Forms![Frm_Workstep]!txtWeeks
xl.Range("E8").Value = Forms![Frm_Workstep]!txtEndDate
'This Loop section inserts the Data
CellRef = 15 'Starts at 15 because that is the start of the area i want to
insert into
NoOfLoops = NoOfRecords
With rsClaimBreakDown
Do Until NoOfLoops = 0
xl.Range("A" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![ClientSurname]
xl.Range("B" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![ClientFirstName]
xl.Range("C" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![ClientNINumber]
xl.Range("E" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![StartDate]
xl.Range("F" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![CEHours]
xl.Range("H" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![EndDate]
xl.Range("I" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![ReasonForLeaving]
xl.Range("S" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![ProgressionDate]
xl.Range("T" & CellRef & "").Value =
xl.Range("Q" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![PlanDate]
CellRef = CellRef + 1
NoOfLoops = NoOfLoops - 1
End With
xl.UserControl = True 'Give control back to the user
MsgBox "Export to Claim Form completed successfully!", vbOKOnly, "Export
DoCmd.CLOSE A_FORM, "Frm_Workstep"
xl.Visible = True
Set xl = Nothing
Set rsClaimBreakDown = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & vbCr & vbCr & Err.Description
Resume LocalExit
End Sub
Openexcel Function:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public xl As Object 'This is how you will refer to the object once it is open
Function openexcel(strLocation)
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xl.Visible = False 'Makes the spreasheet visible. False will let you open
'it behind the scenes
xl.Workbooks.Open strLocation
'xl.Workbooks.Add 'Will Create a new workbook
End Function
Now I someone gave me a code that will open an preexisting excel sheet and
place all the data there. I love this code but the only problem is that this
code just keeps adding data to that excel sheet. I need a way to have like a
save dialog box appear, so that user will be able to save the file, so the
next time they run this, it won't keep adding. Please help.
here is the code I got::
Private Sub cmdExport_Click()
On Error GoTo LocalError
Dim WhereTo As String
Dim ProjectID As String
Dim rsClaimBreakDown As DAO.Recordset
Dim NoOfRecords As Integer
Dim NoOfWorksheets As Integer
If IsNull(Me.txtStartDate) Or IsNull(Me.txtEndDate) Then
MsgBox "Cannot continue, data missing from Start/End Date boxes. Please fill
out before continuing!", vbOKOnly, "Data Capture Error"
Exit Sub
End If
WhereTo = GetExportDirectory_Excel 'Open the save to dialog box
If WhereTo = "NoFile" Then Exit Sub
ProjectID = "WS"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL ("DELETE * FROM TempTbl_WorkstepClaimData")
DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO TempTbl_WorkstepClaimData ( ClientSurname,
ClientFirstname, ClientNINumber, StartDate, CEHours, EndDate,
ReasonForLeaving, ProgressionDate, SustainedProgressionDate, PlanDate) " & _
"SELECT DISTINCTROW tbl_Client.ClientSurname, tbl_Client.ClientFirstname,
tbl_Client.ClientNINumber, Tbl_Projects.StartDate,
Tbl_CurrentEmployers.CEHours, Tbl_Projects.EndDate,
Tbl_CurrentEmployers.ReasonForLeaving, Tbl_CurrentEmployers.ProgressionDate,
Tbl_CurrentEmployers.SustainedProgressionDate, Tbl_DevPlan.PlanDate " & _
"FROM ((Tbl_Projects INNER JOIN tbl_Client ON Tbl_Projects.ClientID =
tbl_Client.ClientID) LEFT JOIN Tbl_CurrentEmployers ON tbl_Client.ClientID =
Tbl_CurrentEmployers.ClientID) LEFT JOIN Tbl_DevPlan ON tbl_Client.ClientID =
Tbl_DevPlan.ClientID " & _
"WHERE (((Tbl_Projects.ProjectRef)='" & ProjectID & "'));")
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Set rsClaimBreakDown = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("TempTbl_WorkstepClaimData")
With rsClaimBreakDown
NoOfRecords = rsClaimBreakDown.RecordCount
End With
'================================================= =====
'Insert the data from the temptable to the excel sheet
'================================================= =====
Dim CellRef As Integer
Dim NoOfLoops As Integer
openexcel (WhereTo) 'Gets the location of the template
xl.UserControl = False 'Doesnt allow user any control whilst we run our update
xl.Worksheets(2).Select 'Selects the claim breakdown sheet
'This section inserts the correct number of rows into the body of the
NoOfLoops = NoOfRecords - 1
Do Until NoOfLoops = 0
xl.Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
xl.Selection.Copy 'need to copy the forumlas too, so cant just insert new rows
xl.Application.CutCopyMode = False 'takes the flashing cell thing away
NoOfLoops = NoOfLoops - 1
'Insert the dates
xl.Range("C8").Value = Forms![Frm_Workstep]!txtStartDate
xl.Range("B10").Value = Forms![Frm_Workstep]!txtWeeks
xl.Range("E8").Value = Forms![Frm_Workstep]!txtEndDate
'This Loop section inserts the Data
CellRef = 15 'Starts at 15 because that is the start of the area i want to
insert into
NoOfLoops = NoOfRecords
With rsClaimBreakDown
Do Until NoOfLoops = 0
xl.Range("A" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![ClientSurname]
xl.Range("B" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![ClientFirstName]
xl.Range("C" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![ClientNINumber]
xl.Range("E" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![StartDate]
xl.Range("F" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![CEHours]
xl.Range("H" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![EndDate]
xl.Range("I" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![ReasonForLeaving]
xl.Range("S" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![ProgressionDate]
xl.Range("T" & CellRef & "").Value =
xl.Range("Q" & CellRef & "").Value = rsClaimBreakDown![PlanDate]
CellRef = CellRef + 1
NoOfLoops = NoOfLoops - 1
End With
xl.UserControl = True 'Give control back to the user
MsgBox "Export to Claim Form completed successfully!", vbOKOnly, "Export
DoCmd.CLOSE A_FORM, "Frm_Workstep"
xl.Visible = True
Set xl = Nothing
Set rsClaimBreakDown = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & vbCr & vbCr & Err.Description
Resume LocalExit
End Sub
Openexcel Function:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public xl As Object 'This is how you will refer to the object once it is open
Function openexcel(strLocation)
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xl.Visible = False 'Makes the spreasheet visible. False will let you open
'it behind the scenes
xl.Workbooks.Open strLocation
'xl.Workbooks.Add 'Will Create a new workbook
End Function