Hi John,
I put in the code in my Query which is ... Select ...
INTO [Text;FMT=Delimited;HDR=No;DATABASE=C:\Named;].
The above code puts the output in the text file in that
location. But can it
1)ask with a Input box for a location that the user wants
to save in the text file?
2) ask the user to name the fie with the help of an Input
3) do without a header as it shows the header here.
4) put in pipe delimiter instead of a semicolon as a
As I do not want the user to go in and change the code.
Would this be possible? I need help and thanks for such a
quick reponse.
-----Original Message-----
Hi Rica,
This sounds like the problem described in this
article: "Too Few
parameters. Expected X" Error Message When You Export
Parameter Query as
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx? scid=kb;en-
On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 11:15:16 -0800,
Thanks, for your response but I still have the problem.
When I click 'Save As' without checking on 'Save
formatted' I don't get a Text Wizard. I get a message
(output box) with the Title as 'Export Text Wizard' and
the message as 'Too few parameters. Expected 1.'
I'm using Access 2000 and this is at my work place. But
at home where I'm using Access 2000 it seems to work
Please if anyone could help it would be great.
-----Original Message-----
Hi Rica,
This happens if you check the "Save formatted" box when
you export a
query to a textfile.
Instead, if you want a standard pipe-delimited file
Jane|Bloggs|123 Acacia Avenue|Big Little
export as a delimited file using | as the delimiter.
If you want something like this - like "save formatted"
but without the
horizontal lines and enclosing box -
FirstName |LastName
|Address |....
Jane |Bloggs |123 Acacia
Avenue |....
you can add "dummy" calculated fields like this
Sep1: "|"
to generate the pipe characters, and then export it as
On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 11:54:48 -0800, "Rica"
I'm trying to export the query result to a Text file.
saves with horizontal lines and pipe delimited lines
(vertical ). Though I do need the pipe delimited
which separate the columns but how can I get away with
horizontal lines between the rows and around the data.
Any help would be wonderful.
Thanks in advance.
John Nurick [Microsoft Access MVP]
Please respond in the newgroup and not by email.
John Nurick [Microsoft Access MVP]
Please respond in the newgroup and not by email.