I've posted a number of requests on this one and got some great responses
but its not quite there yet.
I have a table containing field1 (picture description) field2 OLE objects
containing picture.
The table is dynamic in that it can be updated by a user with new images and
descriptions but I want to offer the flexibility of saving the table to disk
so that it can be import again at a later date.
The most promising way I've found is by using the export menu option and
performing the following:
Create a new .dbf file which you can name
Import the table back in.containing the OLE objects in the table
This proves that it can be done.
Obviously I don't want the user to have to do this and would like to achieve
the same results using VBA.
Following advice from this newsgroup I've tried:
outputTo option but can't see any options for outputing to .dbf (all other
options do not export the ole object)
TransferDatabase command but it requires a .dbf database to already exist.
SQL methods using the INTO command. This does export to a .dbf file but it
does not export the OLE objects.
I've tried combinations of creating the database using SQL and then using
the TransferDatabase but this comes back with erros about the .dbf being
read-only (checked the properties and read only not ticked)
So basically I'm stuck and would really appreciate some more suggestions.
I've posted a number of requests on this one and got some great responses
but its not quite there yet.
I have a table containing field1 (picture description) field2 OLE objects
containing picture.
The table is dynamic in that it can be updated by a user with new images and
descriptions but I want to offer the flexibility of saving the table to disk
so that it can be import again at a later date.
The most promising way I've found is by using the export menu option and
performing the following:
Create a new .dbf file which you can name
Import the table back in.containing the OLE objects in the table
This proves that it can be done.
Obviously I don't want the user to have to do this and would like to achieve
the same results using VBA.
Following advice from this newsgroup I've tried:
outputTo option but can't see any options for outputing to .dbf (all other
options do not export the ole object)
TransferDatabase command but it requires a .dbf database to already exist.
SQL methods using the INTO command. This does export to a .dbf file but it
does not export the OLE objects.
I've tried combinations of creating the database using SQL and then using
the TransferDatabase but this comes back with erros about the .dbf being
read-only (checked the properties and read only not ticked)
So basically I'm stuck and would really appreciate some more suggestions.