To monitor how much and what people are sending to the printer, I have chosen
to keep the printed documents in the printer cue. Is there a way that every
so often I can choose to export all of the information about who sent what
document at what time etc. to a file? Eg. Excel document, or even a
tab-implimented text document?
Thus allowing me to clear the print cue, whilst still having a copy of what
was printed when etc.
Thanks for any help you can give me
to keep the printed documents in the printer cue. Is there a way that every
so often I can choose to export all of the information about who sent what
document at what time etc. to a file? Eg. Excel document, or even a
tab-implimented text document?
Thus allowing me to clear the print cue, whilst still having a copy of what
was printed when etc.
Thanks for any help you can give me