I have a small pice of code that generates an email messages to a user when
ever someone enters an appointment in their calendar. Currently, the email
that is generated tells them a new appointment has been added to their
calendar. How can I export out information from the following fields:
Start Time
End Time
to make the email sent out more meaningful? I would like to send out an
email that says something like this:
A new appointment has been added to your calendar.
Subject: HR Meeting
Location: Conference Room 1A
Start Time: 11/15/04 11:00 am
End TIme: 11/15/04 11:30 am
I know how to do this with a custom form, but can't figure out how to do it
for a standard form - not sure what labels to query. In a custom form, if I
had a field called DT, I would query its value and generate an email with
that value:
MyItem.Body = "Subject: " + chr(13) + userproperties("dt").value
Just not sure what to query in this case.
ever someone enters an appointment in their calendar. Currently, the email
that is generated tells them a new appointment has been added to their
calendar. How can I export out information from the following fields:
Start Time
End Time
to make the email sent out more meaningful? I would like to send out an
email that says something like this:
A new appointment has been added to your calendar.
Subject: HR Meeting
Location: Conference Room 1A
Start Time: 11/15/04 11:00 am
End TIme: 11/15/04 11:30 am
I know how to do this with a custom form, but can't figure out how to do it
for a standard form - not sure what labels to query. In a custom form, if I
had a field called DT, I would query its value and generate an email with
that value:
MyItem.Body = "Subject: " + chr(13) + userproperties("dt").value
Just not sure what to query in this case.