Exporting & Importing

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Hello All,

I have two of the same DB. A person made a copy (DB1 & DB1copy) and started
adding to the DB1copy while others added to DB1. How can I add (import) only
the new record from DB1copy into DB1 without duplicating pervious record????

Thank you for any and all help.
how many records are we talking about here?
how many tables are involved?
do you have any unique combination of fields that you use an an index on any
of the tables involved?

Jeanette Cunningham
In my DB1 I have 540 records and in DB1copy I have 800 records. I have 8
tables with only one having a PK.
from your description, there are no relationships between the tables.
If that is right, then start with any table.
Import it into DB1.
Use the find duplicates query wizard.
In A2000 - A2003, on the menu | Insert | query | Find duplicates

Continue with the other tables.

Jeanette Cunningham