I have a query set up to output a flat file for an ftp upload. I need to
save a local copy. I have a couple questions I haven't figured out yet...
1) The filename needs to be in this format ABCDE.#yyjjjhhmm The ABCDE is
constant followed by the . and the # the rest is variable and is yy=year
jjj=julian hhmm is time. Is there a way to have a box come up to enter the
filename? The field in the macro list it as a required argument. I am
trying to avoid renaming a file manually, if I can.
2) The file is not supposed to have the txt extension. How can I make this
happen without manual renaming?
Thanks for any assistance.
save a local copy. I have a couple questions I haven't figured out yet...
1) The filename needs to be in this format ABCDE.#yyjjjhhmm The ABCDE is
constant followed by the . and the # the rest is variable and is yy=year
jjj=julian hhmm is time. Is there a way to have a box come up to enter the
filename? The field in the macro list it as a required argument. I am
trying to avoid renaming a file manually, if I can.
2) The file is not supposed to have the txt extension. How can I make this
happen without manual renaming?
Thanks for any assistance.