Exporting data from Excel into Internet Explorer




I asked this question before but there was no answer, so I afford t
ask it again as it becomes a very important issue to me :(.

In my work we're migrating to a new accounting system which is we
based (Flexcube). It looks like a web form (just like when you need t
enter your name, email, date of birth etc.). So I need to press TA
each time I want to jump to the next field.

My question is: I have some excel files with certain data. Is i
possible in some way that I can copy a range from Excel and by pastin
it on the first field in the web form the information to sprea
respectively on the next consecutive fields? i.e.

If we have: in the browser

Field 1: Name (by pressing TAB move to the next field)
Field 2: Age
Field 3: City

If I have the following information in Excel:

Cell A1 = "Andy Smith"
Cell A2 = "25"
Cell A3 = "Newcastle"

I want to copy the array A1:A3 and by pasting it on "Field 1" the res
of the information to spread automatically on fields 2 and 3. Is i
possible such a thing at all?

Thank you for your patience....

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