Hi all, Can anyone help please. I would like to know hoe - if it is possible
- can I ecport my contacts from a named file on my office contacts to a
different email address such as yahoo and have them exported to a named file
in that contacts list. for example from 'work contacts in office to 'work
contacts' in yahoo. I hope this makes sense. Thank you for any help you can
give me it will be gratelly welcomed as I am still inexperienced at this. Rab
- can I ecport my contacts from a named file on my office contacts to a
different email address such as yahoo and have them exported to a named file
in that contacts list. for example from 'work contacts in office to 'work
contacts' in yahoo. I hope this makes sense. Thank you for any help you can
give me it will be gratelly welcomed as I am still inexperienced at this. Rab