Export to Web - but not to a service provider!

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I want to export my finished movie for use on the web. Therefore now I have
finished it, I need to be able to compress it and export it as a "mpeg" or
".avi" file. However, if I click on the Save to Web button in Movie Maker it
saves the file (no idea where as I haven't been able to find it afterwards)
and then asks you to select a video hosting provider. There are only two
options in the drop down box - neither of which are my host anyway!
All I want to be able to do is export my finished movie as a reasonably
compressed "mpeg" file - I can handle getting it onto the website myself. My
current web host is happy to have videos downloaded off my space there and I
know how to upload the videos to the host and how to link it off my website -
all I need is to be able to produce the finished compressed "mpeg" file.
How do you do this in Movie Maker?