Export to RTF is creating white space at end of page



Hoping someone may have some suggestions that I haven't already tried
here. I am exporting a report to .rtf to open in MS Word. On screen the

layout for the page looks fine. The pages are completely filled top to
bottom, left to right. My problem is that when I export the report and
open it with Word the bottom of the page, below the footer has about 2
inches of white space.

I have tried removing headers, and footers to no avail. Changing the
font size to a larger size made only a slight difference but doesn't
account for the amount of space. I do have fields that need to be set
to "can grow" but I tried settings without and that didn't make a
difference either.

I do not have any lines or images since these do not export.

Am I missing something? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
for any suggestions.


Am I missing something?

No, I don't think you are. This seems to be the way RTF files behave when
you export data to them and open them in Word. I think you have two choices:

1. Save your report as a Snapshot file and view it using the Snapshot
viewer program. The Snapshot.exe program can be used by people who don't
have Access. They can probably download it from the Microsoft website.

2. If you need to have your data in a Word document, then mailmerge your
data into a Word template. This isn't difficult but there are a number of
steps you need to perform carefully. There's help on the web or see the
"Access Cookbook" by Getz, Litwin, & Baron.


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