Hi Román,
There isn't a 1:1 match between field types in Access (or rather Jet, if
you're referring to data in .mdb files) and in dBASE, so it's not always
possible to preserve the field type and length.
For example, a dBASE date field stores a yyyymmdd string, while a Jet
date/time field is a Double whose integer part is the number of days
since 30/12/1899 and whose fractional part represents the time (midnight
= 0, noon = 0.5).
However, you may not need to buy Access. Jet is installed on all or
almost all Windows computers regardless of whether they have Access, and
you can manipulate data in most .mdb files by writing to the DAO or ADO
libraries in any OLE-aware language. I've pasted a sample VBScript
below; see also
http://www.smithvoice.com/vbExport.aspx (among others):
'----------------start of script----------------------
'Sample VBScript to export a table from a .mdb
'file to a .dbf file.
'MDBFile: path and name of .mdb file
'dBaseFolder: folder containing .dbf file
'TableName: name of table to export
Option Explicit
Sub DBImport(MDBFile, dBaseFolder, TableName)
'Procedure to do the work
Dim oJet ' DAO.DBEngine
Dim oDB ' DAO.Database
Dim strSQL ' String
Set oJet = CreateObject("DAO.DBEngine.36")
Set oDB = oJet.OpenDatabase(MDBFile)
strSQL = "SELECT * INTO " _
& "[dBASE 5.0; DATABASE=" & dBaseFolder & ";].[" _
& TableName & "] FROM [" & TableName & "];"
WScript.Echo strSQL
oDB.Execute strSQL
End Sub
If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 3 Then
MsgBox "Usage:" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(10) _
& " DbfToMdb.vbs MDBFile dBaseFolder TableName " _
& Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(10) _
& "MDBFile: .mdb file containing table to export" _
& Chr(13) & Chr(10) _
& "dBaseFolder: location of .dBase files" _
& Chr(13) & Chr(10) _
& "TableName: name of table to export", _
64, "Export Access/Jet table to .DBF"
DBImport WScript.Arguments(0), _
WScript.Arguments(1), WScript.Arguments(2)
End If
'---------------END OF SCRIPT----------------------------
I need to export some tables in dBase format from Access format. Before I
even buy the Access license I need to be sure that I will be able to exactly
export the data. I need to be sure that all the fields TYPE and LENGHT will
remain as in the original Access format.
How does Access manipulate the export to .dbf, it mantains the Access format
or asks in a previous step which type and leght the fields should have in the
dBase format?
Thanks for your time,