and then it stops. The SQL is posted. When the query results display, I
want to Export them to a .txt file. I select File Export and give it a
filename and location. Then I get the error. It worked fine for a few
months and then just stopped yesterday... after some issues with 'hidden'
files. Can anyone help? Thanks
SELECT "CID" & "-" & [tblbriefs].[id] & "-" & Right([tblbriefs].[orderno],6)
AS CID, tblBriefs.OrderNo, tblBriefs.[Business Name], tblBriefs.ShipToFName,
tblBriefs.ShipToLName, tblBriefs.ShipToPrefix, tblBriefs.ShipToStr1,
tblBriefs.ShipToStr2, tblBriefs.ShipToCty, tblBriefs.ShipToSt,
tblBriefs.ShipToZip, Left([shiptozip],5) AS zipfive, tblBriefs.email,
tblBriefs.ShipToCntry, tblBriefs.StampDate, tblBriefs.Phone
FROM tblBriefs
WHERE (((tblBriefs.ShipToStr1) Is Not Null) AND ((tblBriefs.StampDate)
Between [Enter Start Date (mm/dd/yy)] And [Enter End Date(mm/dd/yy)]));
PS, the two data-entry parameters are date and I enter 07/20/09 and 08/03/09
and the query displays but that's as far as it will go.....
want to Export them to a .txt file. I select File Export and give it a
filename and location. Then I get the error. It worked fine for a few
months and then just stopped yesterday... after some issues with 'hidden'
files. Can anyone help? Thanks
SELECT "CID" & "-" & [tblbriefs].[id] & "-" & Right([tblbriefs].[orderno],6)
AS CID, tblBriefs.OrderNo, tblBriefs.[Business Name], tblBriefs.ShipToFName,
tblBriefs.ShipToLName, tblBriefs.ShipToPrefix, tblBriefs.ShipToStr1,
tblBriefs.ShipToStr2, tblBriefs.ShipToCty, tblBriefs.ShipToSt,
tblBriefs.ShipToZip, Left([shiptozip],5) AS zipfive, tblBriefs.email,
tblBriefs.ShipToCntry, tblBriefs.StampDate, tblBriefs.Phone
FROM tblBriefs
WHERE (((tblBriefs.ShipToStr1) Is Not Null) AND ((tblBriefs.StampDate)
Between [Enter Start Date (mm/dd/yy)] And [Enter End Date(mm/dd/yy)]));
PS, the two data-entry parameters are date and I enter 07/20/09 and 08/03/09
and the query displays but that's as far as it will go.....