It's not overly difficult to do; here's some generic code for doing that
part (looping through the recordsets isn't difficult either):
Dim xlsApp As Object, xlsWB As Object, xlsWS As Object, xlsRng As Object
Set xlsApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlsWB = xlsApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\FolderName\FileName.xls", , True)
Set xlsWS = xlsWB.Worksheets("WorkSheetName")
Set xlsRng = xlsWS.Range("A1")
' loop through your recordset and write each field's value into a cell in a
' this example doesn't show the changes you'd make to the Range object,
' but you can change its assignment or use .Offset method of the Range
' or other methods
xlsRng.Value = RecordsetName.Fields(fieldindexnumber)
Set xlsRng = Nothing
Set xlsWS = Nothing
xlsWB.Close True
Set xlsWB = Nothing
Set xlsApp = Nothing
My answers assumed that your original question referred to a recordset that
you're getting in VBA code, not to a stored query. If your "recordset" is a
stored query, then you can use the TransferSpreadsheet action
(DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet) to export from a query to an EXCEL file.