What is the best way to go about export a report to word?
The end users will be choosing which customer/invoice info they want in
Access, as well as which letter should be generated.
I would like them to click a button and have the info transported to a word
document, which they can edit if necessary.
I have looked at doing it both by creating a report in Access and sending it
to word, and creating a MailMerge in Word and pulling the info from Access.
I have run into problems with both tries, and want to get a good solid idea
of the best approach, some pointers on code, and I can take it from there.
The end users will be choosing which customer/invoice info they want in
Access, as well as which letter should be generated.
I would like them to click a button and have the info transported to a word
document, which they can edit if necessary.
I have looked at doing it both by creating a report in Access and sending it
to word, and creating a MailMerge in Word and pulling the info from Access.
I have run into problems with both tries, and want to get a good solid idea
of the best approach, some pointers on code, and I can take it from there.