Here's one way of doing it. You'll need:
1) a form (let's call it frmXXX) with an unbound textbox called
txtGroupName and a commandbutton called cmdExportByGroup
2) a query that gets the fields you need from the table, in the order
you want. Don't bother with grouping; instead make it a parameter query
that gets the parameter value from txtGroupName and returns only the
records that match it. The SQL view of the query might look like this;
WHERE MyField=Forms![frmXXX]![txtGroupName];
Then use code like this in the button's Click event procedure to do the
Private Sub cmdExportByGroup_Click()
Dim dbD As DAO.Database
Dim rsGroupList As DAO.Recordset
Dim strExportPath As String
Dim strFileSpec As String
Set dbD = CurrentDb()
'location for exported files
strExportPath = "C:\Folder\Subfolder\"
'Get a recordset containing the values to group by
Set rsGroupList = dbD.OpenRecordset( _
"SELECT DISTINCT GroupName FROM MyTable;", dbOpenForwardOnly)
With rsGroupList
Do Until .EOF 'iterate through list
'put group name in textbox on form so query can find it
Me!txtGroupName.Value = .Fields(0).Value
'build the file name
strFileSpec = strExportPath & .Fields(0).Value & ".xls"
'export the query
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet TransferType:=acExport, _
SpreadsheetType:=acSpreadsheetTypeExcel8, _
TableName:="qryExportByGroup", _
End With
'tidy up
Set dbD = Nothing
End Sub