Export nText as Files

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jerry
  • Start date Start date



I have a SQL Server database with gif images stored in a nText field as
binary. I've been asked to export these images to actual gif files
(about 250 of them). I found a stored procedure that was using some ADO
and it would write a small part of the image correctly and then the
rest was a mess. I was told to check out the ADO and VB groups to see
if anyone knows of a solution for this.

Does anyone have any resources or examples you could point me to? I've
never used ADO before and I've used little VB.

I would never store a gif in a database. Store the image in a folder
and record the location in the database.
I wouldn't store an image in a database either. The images are already
stored in the database and I'm the lucky one who inherited the issue.
¤ Hello!
¤ I have a SQL Server database with gif images stored in a nText field as
¤ binary. I've been asked to export these images to actual gif files
¤ (about 250 of them). I found a stored procedure that was using some ADO
¤ and it would write a small part of the image correctly and then the
¤ rest was a mess. I was told to check out the ADO and VB groups to see
¤ if anyone knows of a solution for this.
¤ Does anyone have any resources or examples you could point me to? I've
¤ never used ADO before and I've used little VB.

See if the following helps. I'm assuming they are not stored as OLE Objects.

How To Read and Write BLOBs Using GetChunk and AppendChunk

Microsoft MVP (Visual Basic)
The ntext data type is used to store unicode text. If someone has stored
binary data in such a field you need to know exactly how it is stored in
order to retreive it correctly.
I was able to see the upload code this morning.

'this is the code block that breaks apart the image and turns it into
blob data
If Request.TotalBytes <>0 Then
BlobSize = Request.TotalBytes
BlobData = Request.BinaryRead( BlobSize )
bnCRLF = chrB( 13 ) & chrB( 10 )
Divider = LEFTB( BlobData, INSTRB( BlobData, bnCRLF ) - 1 )
BlobDataStart = INSTRB( BlobData, bnCRLF & bnCRLF ) + 4
BlobDataEnd = INSTRB( BlobDataStart + 1, BlobData, divider ) -
strPicture= MIDB( BlobData, BlobDataStart, BlobDataEnd )
Session("Picture")= strPicture
'this is the original record set
set rsBLOB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsBLOB.ActiveConnection = CON_STRING
rsBLOB.Source = "SELECT * FROM tblblob"
rsBLOB.CursorType = 2
rsBLOB.CursorLocation = 2
rsBLOB.LockType = 3
rsBLOB_numRows = 0
'add a new record
rsBLOB("Blob_photo").AppendChunk strPicture
rsBLOB("Blob_photoYesNo") = "88" 'the 1 turns the camera image on
rsBLOB("Blob_bsize") = BlobSize 'put the size into the db
End If
I found a solution.

CREATE PROCEDURE ntext2file @filename nvarchar(128), @table
nvarchar(128),@column nvarchar(128), @where nvarchar(4000)
--Saves text from an Ntext column to a file
IF (@filename is NULL) OR (@table is NULL) OR (@column is NULL) OR
(@where is NULL)
PRINT 'saveNtext2file saves text from an Ntext column to a file'
PRINT 'Usage:'
PRINT 'EXEC saveNtext2file FileName, tableName, columnName,
PRINT 'For example: EXEC ntext2file ''C:\test.txt'', ''customers'',
''memo'', ''where customerID=234'''
DECLARE @hr int,@fso int,@i int, @j int, @blocks int, @c int, @buffer
varbinary(1000), @sql nvarchar(4000)
EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'ADODB.Stream', @fso OUT
exec @hr = sp_oasetproperty @fso, 'Type', 1--adTypeBinary=1
EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @fso, 'Open'
set @sql = N'SELECT @c =(select DATALENGTH('+@column+')/2 from
'+@table+' '+@where+')'
exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@c int OUTPUT', @c OUTPUT
set @j=0
create table #t ( t ntext )
SET @i=@c
--read 1000 bytes at a time
WHILE @i > 500
insert into #t
exec getREADTEXT @column,@table,@where,@j,500
set @buffer=(select convert(varbinary(1000),convert(nvarchar(500),t))
from #t)
EXEC @hr = sp_oasetproperty @fso, 'Write', @buffer
delete #t
SET @i=@i-500
SET @j=@j+500
--read remaining bytes
if @i > 0
insert into #t
exec getREADTEXT @column,@table,@where,@j,@i
set @buffer=(select convert(varbinary(1000),convert(nvarchar(500),t))
from #t)
EXEC @hr = sp_oasetproperty @fso, 'Write', @buffer
delete #t
drop table #t
EXEC @hr = sp_oasetproperty @fso, 'SaveToFile', @filename
EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @fso, 'Close'
Sorry about that. Here it is!

CREATE PROCEDURE getREADTEXT @column nvarchar(128), @table
nvarchar(128),@where nvarchar(4000),@position int,@length int
--given a column, table and filter clause plus a position to start
reading the text and length to be read, the selected portion of the
text will be returned
declare @sql nvarchar(4000)
set @sql='declare @txtPtr varbinary(16)
select @txtPtr = TEXTPTR('+@column+') from '+@table+' '+@where+
' READTEXT '+@table+'.'+@column+' @txtPtr '+str(@position)+'
I have it looping through several thousand records and it stops spitting out
files after 256. Do you have any idea why?
Sorry, I have no idea. What I did was export the file ID and physically
code them into an array and then I looped through the array. I did this
because at the time the only thing I could run on my computer was .NET
and I didn't know how to connect to a database with .NET (ASP classic
wouldn't and still doens't run in my IIS for some reason). I exported
260-some images from the table using the array.