I am trying to export to a delimited text file. All field
are exporting as they should say for the value field. I am
being limited to two places to the right of the decimal. I
have tried a formatted export query and it is still being
limited. My formatted query is listed below. Does anyone
have any suggestions?
Formatted export query:
( The field I am having troubles with is the value field)
SELECT [RESULT].[tag], Format([RESULT].
[date],"mm/dd/yyyy") AS date2, Format([RESULT].
are exporting as they should say for the value field. I am
being limited to two places to the right of the decimal. I
have tried a formatted export query and it is still being
limited. My formatted query is listed below. Does anyone
have any suggestions?
Formatted export query:
( The field I am having troubles with is the value field)
SELECT [RESULT].[tag], Format([RESULT].
[date],"mm/dd/yyyy") AS date2, Format([RESULT].
,"00000") AS code2, [RESULT].[ltGt], Format([RESULT].
[value],"###.0000") FROM RESULT;