Export function from VB.Net DLL

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Is there a way to export functions from a VB.Net Dll, similar to the VC
_declspec(dllexport) function or .def files, so the functions will show as
exported using dumpbin?
Any URL to a description of how to do it, or why you can't (I've been
AFAIK not possible from .NET (at least with managed code). The trend is now
to expose libraries as a well defined set of class hierarchies rather than
as a bunch of "flat" unrelated functions...

You may want to elaborate a bit on your exact need (when you reference a DLL
you have access to all its public classes and related members, you can also
expose a .NET component to COM, is exposing your code as a WINAPI function a
strict requirement ?).
Thank you, Patrice.

My immediate need is to call .Net dll functions from National Instruments
Labview (which I am VERY new at), which has a 'Call Library Function Node'
but cannot see my dll functions. This would be the easiest wat to implement
what I want (since the code is done). I do have other options (other Labview
nodes such as '.Net Object constructor') that will just take a bit more work,
since there are issues with transferring variables and structures between
the NI and VB code. Or maybe write some intermediate C code, but that was a
long time ago...

Any references to info on "exposing libraries" and their classes that may
work here?
AFAIK .NET is usable either from .NET or can be exposed using COM (but not
as WINAPI functions). You could also if possible from LabView expose this a
web service or something similar...

I know nothing about LabView but I my personal preference would be likely to
go for the ".net Object Constructor" as it looks likre the intended path
(and if those issues are solved, it will be even better).

Don't know what those issues are but some of them could be perhaps solved
using .NET attributes (for example a thing that comes to mind would be
alignment issues for structure members or similar things between LabView
/.NET). Also I would try perhaps a LabView forum...

Good luck.