just because windows has no native support for converting TIF files to
PDF it does for sure not mean that PDF is propriatry.
Does that mean that winword .doc files suck as well since there is no
native support?
(well - I think yes)
You can put your mind at rest that PDF is nowadays a standard and M$
just missed the train....
Converters you can find myriads in the net. From freeware and opensource
to shareware up to commercial ones.
Adobe was so smart to document the PDF format properly and make if
freely available.
(not like M$ with all their propriaty sh***)
Thats why PDF fast became a standard.
I wonder why.
Windows contains no native support for converting TIF files to PDF. You
can of course purchase converters from the salesmen who post in this
group. I didn't notice any freeware on this site.
Russ Valentine
PDF is everything else than a propriaty file format. Its well
documented and lots of freeware, opensource and cheap other tools are
I think there is no other file format available which is supported by
so many platforms and which is supported by so many different tools.
There is no need to purchase Adobe Software. My personal favourite is
the Aloaha PDF Suite. (
Kind Regards
You can't.
PDF files are proprietary files. Contact Adobe on which program you
should purchase from them.
Russ Valentine
I am using the windows XP fax utility because I can receive faxes
without them printing automatically but I want to export them to a
pdf file and I don't see an option to do that. Can someone advise me
on the best way to accomplish this task.