Hi Mili,
This should do what you want.
You may need to do/add a texttocolumns. I don't know how your data is
(watch the line wraps)
Sub FileSaver()
Dim FileSaveName As String
Dim TextExportExcel As Object
Set TextExportExcel = ThisWorkbook
Dim c As Object
Dim MyRange As Object
Set MyRange = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Rows
mypath = "c:\test\" 'set path to folder here
'or use mypath=Application.DefaultFilePath
'MsgBox "Text File Name := " & ActiveSheet.Name
FileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:=CStr(mypath &
filefilter:="Text Files (*.txt), *.txt")
'MsgBox " FileSaveName :" & FileSaveName
WriteFile MyRange, FileSaveName
End Sub
Sub WriteFile(MyRange, FileSaveName)
Dim FF As Integer, MyLine As String
FF = 0
FileNum = FreeFile ' next file number
Open FileSaveName For Append As #FileNum ' open the file & add currently
selected data to the file
(or create it)
'use output instead of append if you want to overwrite the entire file
each time
For Each c In MyRange 'c=rows in range
'assuming five columns of data to be written to file
Print #FileNum, Cells(c.Row, c.Column).Text, Cells(c.Row, c.Column +
1).Text, Cells(c.Row, c.Column +
2).Text, Cells(c.Row, c.Column + 3).Text, Cells(c.Row, c.Column + 4).Text
Close #FileNum ' close the file
'MsgBox MyLine, vbInformation, "Last log information:"
End Sub
Public Sub DisplayLastLogInformation()
Const LogFileName As String = "C:\test\test.txt" 'contentof test file are
Dim FileNum As Integer, tLine As String
FileNum = 0: n = 0
FileNum = FreeFile ' next file number
Open LogFileName For Input Access Read Shared As #FileNum ' open the
file for reading
Cells(1, 1).Select
Do While Not EOF(FileNum)
Line Input #FileNum, tLine ' read a line from the Text File
n = n + 1 'row counter
Sheets("sheet2").Cells(n, 1) = tLine
Loop ' until the last line is read
Close #FileNum ' close the file
MsgBox tLine, vbInformation, "Last log information:"
End Sub