Export event log automatically

  • Thread starter Thread starter Maggie Siu
  • Start date Start date

Maggie Siu

I want to check the event log with event ID 26 regularly
and automatically, how to do that?

Can I export the event log to a readable file

Or do u know where do the event log stored?
The Event Logs are stored in %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\CONFIG, and are the 3
..evt files. However, you cannot do anything with those files when the system
is booted up. From the resource kit, you can use dumpel to dump a copy of
the registry and manually search the file, or you can use Elogdmp.exe from
the resource kit in conjunction with Findstr.exe (included with Windows) to
search for an event.

My question is why are you getting so many Event ID 26s? Are you getting
lost-delayed write errors?

Hope it helps!!!