Export Access Report to Excel keep format

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I have a report in Access, it contains data, and logos, etc. It look great
in Access and I would like that exact look to be exported to excel. Does
anyone know of a way to exactly replicate the report that is generated in
Access and get that in Excel format? Thanks!
If it is the formatting (i.e., how it looks) that you need to get out of
Access, have you looked into writing it out as a PDF file instead? I
believe the purpose of "Export to Excel" is to give you a way to get the
data out to Excel...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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Thanks Jeff. Yes, I already have an option for the user to view as a pdf.
They would also like to export to Excel and have it look exactly like it does
in the Access report with Logos, format etc. Any possibilities?
Perhaps one of the other newsgroup readers has an approach that works for
them. The only way I've ever made Access data fit a specific Excel format
is to automate Excel and push Access data into specific cells with specific
formatting... and that still isn't what you asked to do, i.e., create a
report format in Access, then force Excel to display the same format.

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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in this post. Mention and/or description of a product or service herein
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