Export Access query as XML and read into dotnet DataSet??

  • Thread starter Thread starter M O J O
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(I'm new to XML)

I can export data from Access as an XML file (with schema integrated in
the XML file). I can read it into a DotNet DataSet, but the schema is
not correct that is - I do not get the right columns.

Is there some kinda trick to convert the XML to a
DotNet-DataSet-readbable file??


You best best is to use ADO.NET to connect to Access rather than use its XML
file. In the future, this may be different, but the Access format is not the
same as the DataSet format of XML.

If you have to move from Access to DataSet, I would look at creating a XSLT
stylesheet and transforming to the DataSet XML using it. This is a much more
reuseable method of conversion. Not sure if anyone has already tackled this
monster, so I would do a search before writing it myself.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!
Why don't you just query Access directly from .NET?
Why go through the step of exporting to XML, then trying to read it in?

what are you really trying to accomplish?
Hi Mojo,

In addition to the other messages, when you want to use your access direct,
you can of course connect direct.

But when you want to use it as an export file I think that if you cannot
read an XML as a dataset you can always convert it using the XMLreader or
the LoadXML (the document object model).

A dataset is not that difficult to make although as it sometimes look.

Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim dt As New DataTable("Active")
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("String", Type.GetType("System.String")))
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Ident", Type.GetType("System.Int32")))
Dim keys(0) As DataColumn
keys(0) = dt.Columns("Ident")
dt.PrimaryKey = keys

I hope this helps?

Hi Dino,

I'm creating a program that will accept data from several sources
(Access, Excel and so on).

So I want to use common interface to accept these sources.

Therefor I need to be able to easily read the XML file from access.

Please see my answer to Dino.

XSLT? I can hardly spell it! :o)

I just wanted it to be easy.

Access and Excel can both be queried via ADO.NET - using connection strings,
if I am not mistaken. this will get you a dataset, without having to first
"export to XML".

What's the "and so on"?

ADO.NET can do CSV, SQL server, other databases... ?
¤ Hi Dino,
¤ I'm creating a program that will accept data from several sources
¤ (Access, Excel and so on).
¤ So I want to use common interface to accept these sources.
¤ Therefor I need to be able to easily read the XML file from access.
¤ M O J O
¤ Dino Chiesa [Microsoft] wrote:
¤ > Why don't you just query Access directly from .NET?
¤ > Why go through the step of exporting to XML, then trying to read it in?
¤ >
¤ > what are you really trying to accomplish?
¤ >
¤ > ¤ >
¤ >>Hi,
¤ >>
¤ >>(I'm new to XML)
¤ >>
¤ >>I can export data from Access as an XML file (with schema integrated in
¤ >>the XML file). I can read it into a DotNet DataSet, but the schema is
¤ >>not correct that is - I do not get the right columns.
¤ >>
¤ >>Is there some kinda trick to convert the XML to a
¤ >>DotNet-DataSet-readbable file??
¤ >>

I don't see the need for ADO here. Access, Excel, dBase, etc can all be queried directly from
ADO.NET (with the ODBC and OLEDB namespaces) using the same ODBC and OLEDB connections that are used
under ADO.

Paul ~~~ (e-mail address removed)
Microsoft MVP (Visual Basic)