Hi everyone!
I am creating the following sample form called "Apples."
File Name = _______
apple 1 = _______
apple 2 = _______
apple 3 = _______
There are multiple records to this form.
QUESTION: Am I able to export a TEXT file PER record in Access 2003??
I have the code below in my code for my command button called "ReporttoFile"
and am able to generate separate text files for EACH record. However, the
content in the text files come in the XML format which is not very readable.
This is because in my code it says "Application.ExportXML."
Here's my code:
Private Sub ReporttoFile_Click()
Dim rsR As DAO.Recordset
Set rsR = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("3D PDF Metadata", dbOpenSnapshot)
Do Until rsR.EOF
Application.ExportXML acExportForm, "Apples", _
"C:\Temp\Metadata\" & rsR.Fields("Apple Name =").Value & ".txt", , , ,
, , _
"[Apple Name =] = '" & rsR.Fields("Apple Name =").Value & "'"
End Sub
This is how my text file looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dataroot xmlnsd="urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficedata"
and so forth...
QUESTION2: How can I get rid of the XML format, specifically the
"x0020_x003D" and transform it into text??
I would greatly appreciate any advice on this!
Thank you!
I am creating the following sample form called "Apples."
File Name = _______
apple 1 = _______
apple 2 = _______
apple 3 = _______
There are multiple records to this form.
QUESTION: Am I able to export a TEXT file PER record in Access 2003??
I have the code below in my code for my command button called "ReporttoFile"
and am able to generate separate text files for EACH record. However, the
content in the text files come in the XML format which is not very readable.
This is because in my code it says "Application.ExportXML."
Here's my code:
Private Sub ReporttoFile_Click()
Dim rsR As DAO.Recordset
Set rsR = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("3D PDF Metadata", dbOpenSnapshot)
Do Until rsR.EOF
Application.ExportXML acExportForm, "Apples", _
"C:\Temp\Metadata\" & rsR.Fields("Apple Name =").Value & ".txt", , , ,
, , _
"[Apple Name =] = '" & rsR.Fields("Apple Name =").Value & "'"
End Sub
This is how my text file looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dataroot xmlnsd="urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficedata"
and so forth...
QUESTION2: How can I get rid of the XML format, specifically the
"x0020_x003D" and transform it into text??
I would greatly appreciate any advice on this!
Thank you!