ExplorerEvents (Close) and ExplorersEvents (NewExplorer)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Irene
  • Start date Start date



I'm trying to get my COM add-in to work when I right click my new COM
add-in generated folder and select 'Open in New Window'. I have
looked through the ItemCB example from microeye, but I do not know VB;
I am implementing the add-in in C++.

Looking at ItemCB, I could see that I should handle my 'explorer'
processing in the selectionChange event instead of the newExplorer
event, since the Explorer object is not really complete in the
NewExplorer. When a new explorer is opened, I want to be advised of
command bar button events from my command bar. I plan to save the
explorer object from NewExplorer event and use it in SelectionCHange
event to ultimately be notified of command bar button events.

I would like to clean up when an explorer closes. However, when I get
the explorer close event, I don't see how I can figure out from which
explorer it came. I tried to understand the ItemCB project, but I
didn't understand how the 'm_nID' was saved with the explorer object
to later use it for closing. (I'm probably off here).

If someone could let me know how to determine which explorer object
the close event is for, I would appreciate it. (If there is a better
way to do what I explained, I would be happy to hear that as well)

Thanks very much,