Explorer or right-click properties of filesslow when on network



One PC is having this issue (Windows XP) a SBS client. Using My document
redirection. Something happened within the past month or so and not sure
what, but when connected and logged on the domain, using explorer, or
otherwise browsing for files and then right-clicking on them the normal
pop-up screen takes forever if you can wait that long for it to ever appear.

noticed in safemode symptom is not present, further isolated it by logging
into the PC wihtout a network connection and still fast.
Logged back onto domain removed mapped drives but symptom is still present.

Didn't get rid of My document redirection, but this may be the cause? If
so, how do you removed my dcoument redirection on just one PC. (I am aware of
who system wide via SBS you can enable/remove my document redirection, but
since this is only affecting one user i don't want to remove it from

Network settings are identical as other PCs in the office. System has the
latest updates. User has admin rights, and the domain admin profile exhibits
the same symptoms.

Please help

Chuck [MVP]

One PC is having this issue (Windows XP) a SBS client. Using My document
redirection. Something happened within the past month or so and not sure
what, but when connected and logged on the domain, using explorer, or
otherwise browsing for files and then right-clicking on them the normal
pop-up screen takes forever if you can wait that long for it to ever appear.

noticed in safemode symptom is not present, further isolated it by logging
into the PC wihtout a network connection and still fast.
Logged back onto domain removed mapped drives but symptom is still present.

Didn't get rid of My document redirection, but this may be the cause? If
so, how do you removed my dcoument redirection on just one PC. (I am aware of
who system wide via SBS you can enable/remove my document redirection, but
since this is only affecting one user i don't want to remove it from

Network settings are identical as other PCs in the office. System has the
latest updates. User has admin rights, and the domain admin profile exhibits
the same symptoms.

Have you tried multiple clients, logged in to the problem computer? Have you
tried this client, logged in to another computer?

Have you done any malware analysis on this computer? What malware protection to
you have in general?

Chuck, MS-MVP 2005-2007 [Windows - Networking]
Paranoia is not a problem, when it's a normal response from experience.
My email is AT DOT
actual address pchuck mvps org.


Have you tried multiple clients, logged in to the problem computer? Yes
(domain admin) ~same symptom.
Have you tried this client, logged in to another computer? no.

Have you done any malware analysis on this computer? Yes Trend, and also
scanned with Prevx.

What malware protection to you have in general? See above

Additional info I forgot to mention. I also booted into a clean boot (only
microsoft services and no startup items (but with the network connection).
It is slow when the netowrk is connectted. However, if memory serves me
correct, if I disconnect the network cable and then try opening a PDF, Word
doc via explorer (or right-clicking on the file for properties, it is then
fast. ** I think I recall when doing so, it pops up "\\server01\username\my
documents" is not availalbe. Thus making me think it is something with the
redirected My docs.

Chuck said:
One PC is having this issue (Windows XP) a SBS client. Using My document
redirection. Something happened within the past month or so and not sure
what, but when connected and logged on the domain, using explorer, or
otherwise browsing for files and then right-clicking on them the normal
pop-up screen takes forever if you can wait that long for it to ever appear.

noticed in safemode symptom is not present, further isolated it by logging
into the PC wihtout a network connection and still fast.
Logged back onto domain removed mapped drives but symptom is still present.

Didn't get rid of My document redirection, but this may be the cause? If
so, how do you removed my dcoument redirection on just one PC. (I am aware of
who system wide via SBS you can enable/remove my document redirection, but
since this is only affecting one user i don't want to remove it from

Network settings are identical as other PCs in the office. System has the
latest updates. User has admin rights, and the domain admin profile exhibits
the same symptoms.

Have you tried multiple clients, logged in to the problem computer? Have you
tried this client, logged in to another computer?

Have you done any malware analysis on this computer? What malware protection to
you have in general?

Chuck, MS-MVP 2005-2007 [Windows - Networking]
Paranoia is not a problem, when it's a normal response from experience.
My email is AT DOT
actual address pchuck mvps org.


further isolated it by logging into the PC wihtout a network connection and still fast.
Logged back onto domain removed mapped drives but symptom is still present.

This is what I am seeing as well - and if I connect to the network
after the login, it stays fast. I have no mapped drives. Filemon from
www.sysinternals.com shows about 20,000 file accesses when I click on
a directory (including many accesses to hnetcfg.dll, winrmr.dll,
wshtcpip.dll). If I've logged in without a network connection, only
about 1500 file access for the same directory (and none to those three
dlls). I've read other postings about file type mappings and icons but
I don't believe that is the issue as the problem disappears by simply
changing how I login. It's as though there is some username look-up
being done against the network domain server when the initial login
was done against the network domain server.


Downloading the latest NIC driver resolved.

This is what I am seeing as well - and if I connect to the network
after the login, it stays fast. I have no mapped drives. Filemon from
www.sysinternals.com shows about 20,000 file accesses when I click on
a directory (including many accesses to hnetcfg.dll, winrmr.dll,
wshtcpip.dll). If I've logged in without a network connection, only
about 1500 file access for the same directory (and none to those three
dlls). I've read other postings about file type mappings and icons but
I don't believe that is the issue as the problem disappears by simply
changing how I login. It's as though there is some username look-up
being done against the network domain server when the initial login
was done against the network domain server.

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