Explorer opens Navigator Window



After switching my use from Netscape Navigator to
Internet Explorer, I find that when I click a hotspot
leading to an animation or any number of other things, it
opens in Netscape Navigator rather than Explorer. I'm
sure this is simply a configuration problem, but I can't
figure out where to adjust it.

Thanks for any help on this.

- Jack


you probably just have to set IE as your default app for
opening those kinds of files... go into windows explorer,
tools > folder options > file types. find the file
extensions that you want opened in IE, and then in the
dialog box below, click on "change" and select IE. There
are other ways to do this in other OS's so let me know if
that doesn't work... (or check your user manual for "file
erica =)

H Leboeuf

Tools/Internet Options/Programs tab.
On the bottom, IE should check to see...


Thanks for the help, but evidently that's not the
solution. The hotspots I'm clicking are not specific by
file type. Evidently, I hadn't set up I.E. as my default

Thanks again.

- Jack

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