Explorer minimize/maximize

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Recently whenever I type the letter L, lowercase, in any dialog box the
toolbox will minimize and maximize. It happens while filling in search box
field within google or other search of fill boxes. How might I find where
this is coming from. It is driving me crazy.
Windows and IE versions, please?

Assuming the machine is not a laptop, does using another keyboard make any

IE 6. Have not tried another keyboard. Windows XP Home ed2
Even in this fill box it jumps back and forth from min to max
Your posts still aren't clear to me. What's a toolbox? ...a fill box?

What exactly is minimizing and maximizing, the IE window or...? And where
does it minimize to, the taskbar or...?

Is this sudden, new behavior or an ongoing problem?
Hard to describe the issue. But will try. Internet exploreris up and
running. Choose Google or any serach site. As I type the letter "l" in the
search box the "file edit view favorites tools help" line minimizes. By
typing the letter "l" it a second time it maximizes and the "file edit view
..." returns. at the same time at the rignt top corner a min max box appears.

so what is left at the time I hit the "l" key is the back nav stop refresh
home ... line then the next line with bookmarks spellcheck settings and
address bar.

It is almost like the "l" key stroke has been attached to a command to min
max just for the top most line in internet explorer.
Gotcha. What's "minimizing" (disappearing actually) is called the Menu Bar.
Next time this happens, hit the F11 key and tell me if doing so returns the
missing Menu Bar.

Are you experiencing any other odd or unwanted behavior when using Search or
when browsing (e.g., a different default search comes up; pop-ups appear
suggesting that the machines infected; you're taken to unwanted web-pages)?