EXPLORER has stopped working on all non admin accounts



My son is on of six users on our home pc using windows xp
with IE6. He deleted some pictures from his document
folder last week, but shortly reported that he could no
longer open documents or go to the internet. I verified
and found that all non admin users had the same problem.
In order for him to use the computer, I had to change his
account type to administrator, what an imminent disaster.


One of many possibilities: Check if the folder that %TEMP% points to actually
exists, and if not, create it.

|My son is on of six users on our home pc using windows xp
|with IE6. He deleted some pictures from his document
|folder last week, but shortly reported that he could no
|longer open documents or go to the internet. I verified
|and found that all non admin users had the same problem.
|In order for him to use the computer, I had to change his
|account type to administrator, what an imminent disaster.

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