Explorer.exe issues- woe is me

May 22, 2005
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Hey guys, I have a 2.4 ghz Pentium IV processor with 768 mb RAM and 80 gig hd. I had windows 2000 and for some reason explorer.exe wouldn't run whenever I restarted and logged in. There would be no error messages or anything, there would just be no taskbar or desktop. I had to run everything using task manager and it was irritating. I just installed XP (did upgrade, not clean install), hoping to fix the problem while upgrading but it still persists. I've tried looking at a few other posts and forums but a) I don't really know if its the same problem and b) I need a real simple, step-by-step way on how to fix it. I know that it has something to do with the registry but I don't wanna mess around with it and completely make my computer useless. Any suggestions are welcomed with open arms. Thanks
When did the problem start occuring and prior to that, had you made any system changes (ie installed/uninstalled/deleted something?)

I always recommend doing a fresh instal with XP, even if you are upgrading from a previous version of Windows.
Do you have any valuable information you need to retrieve prior to formatting your drive for a fresh install, if so do you have access to another computer you can swap your hard drive to temporarily so you can backup your files.
Before the problem occurred when I had win 2000, I remember running an AdAware, Spybot and McAfee scan and all came up with some files that I got rid of. I'm guessing thats what did it. The thing is I have a good amount of software which I wouldn't be able to retrieve if I formatted my hd b/c I downloaded them and I didn't keep the install files (es I know, stupid me). I don't know anyone in close vicinity to me whose computer I could use. Thing is I know I can fix this without formatting anything I just don't know how. If you got any idea please let me know, thanks.
One option you could try is to insert your XP disk again, and proceed to the installation, there should be an option to repair Windows. I cannot guarantee this will work though but it is all I can think of unless anyone has other suggestions.