He posted his HijackThis log at:
It looks clean.
I assume he has tried to turn off Active Desktop or
display webcontent? Sometimes that does some odd things.
We are currently seeing a lot of problems with something
called alemod:
This thing is invisible in HijackThis since it replaces
the wininet.dll file in the System32 folder with its own
file. Sometimes explorer stops running altogether and the
complaint is no desktop. The easiest way to check for a
bad wininet.dll file is to run sigverif:
Start, Run, sigverif, OK then press Start when the program
comes up. If wininet.dll shows up in the output then
that's a good sign that it's been replaced with a bogus
The fix for a bad wininet.dll is to get a new one from
and save it to C:\
I always use Killbox to delete on reboot the files
mentioned in the McAfee article so it can't reinfect.
Then boot into Safe Mode with Command Prompt and:
del C:\Windows\System32\dllcache\wininet.dll
del /f C:\Windows\System32\wininet.dll
copy c:\wininet.dll c:\windows\system32\
Also in HijackThis, Misc Tools, Open Process Manager,
check the box where it says Show Dlls then select
explorer.exe and look in the bottom pane to see what
folders have dlls loaded that are not in the system32
folder. Then use sigverif to check them (look under
Advanced). Interestingly explorer.exe is not signed in my
Win2K but it does show version 5.0.3700.6690