EXPLORER.EXE crashes with a "memory access violation" error



Suddenly EXPLORER.EXE crashes when I either:
* Displays a folder where it shows any property of an AVI-file
* Selects an AVI-file in a folder

It doesn't crash when it isn't required to list any property of the files in
a folder, like Dimension. Any other file type is OK.
Furthermore, I can no longer open any AVI-file in applications without them
crashing as well.

Does anyone recognize this? I would guess a repository property is corrupt,
but which?



A friend told me it was a wellknwon problem with Windows XP when a AVI-file
get "locked" by a crashed video application.

Create a .inf file and add the follwong lines to it. The right-click the
file and choose Install.
; Windows XP explorer movie fix.
; WARNING - Use this file at your own risk.
; Executing this file will remove a registry key which makes explorer load
; Simply put, this removes the annoying "permission denied" errors when
trying to
; move/copy/delete AVI files.
; To use this fix, right-click on the file and select install. Done.

signature="$Windows NT$"

DelReg = Reduce.Reg



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