explorer.exe 99% CPU after an hour

  • Thread starter Thread starter Earl F Glynn
  • Start date Start date

Earl F Glynn

Often after about an hour after reboot, I hear the fan on my Dell notebook,
and the machine gets warm because the CPU is pegged at 99%. Why does
explorer.exe go out of control? The machine is sluggish because of this,
and I must reboot to get good performance back.

I'm not the only person with this problem. Google describes several
variations on the same theme:
Do this Google Search: explorer.exe 99% cpu

I've been looking for a solution to this problem for weeks, and Microsoft
AntiSpyware doesn't seem to know about this problem. SpyBot doesn't help.
Norton AntiVirus doesn't help.

I've checked the event viewer and there's nothing but informational

Does anyone have a clue why explorer.exe goes out of control

This every-hour reboot because of sluggish Windows is driving me crazy. This
has been QUITE repeateable all day today -- I've repeated this failure 6
times today. Roughly 60 minutes after a reboot, the explorer.exe goes 99%
CPU active, and I must reboot to get good performance back.

To study this problem, I used my video camera to videotape the task manger,
about an hour after a reboot. Here's what I observed in reverse time order
from the time explorer.exe went to 99% CPU:

Seconds.frame (there are 30 frames/second on the video): tasks %CPU

12.24 explorer.exe 99% (machine now quite sluggish and must be rebooted)
12.20 explorer.exe 62%, idle 33%, taskmagr.exe 2%, CCPROXY.EXE 2%, System 1%
11.21 idle 89%, CCAPP.EXE 3%, taskmgr.exe 3%, explorer.exe 2%, SNDSrvc.exe,
10.22 idle 94%, explorer.exe 3%, taskmgr.exe 1%, CCPROXY.EXE 1%,
vmware-authd.exe 1%
9.22 idle 86%, explorer.exe 6%, taskmgr.exe 2%, services.exe 2%, svchost.exe
1%, lsass.exe 15, winlogon.exe 1%, System 1%
8.20 Idle 95%, taskmgr.exe 4%, System 1%
7.21 Idle 96%, gcasServ.exe 3%, taskmgr.exe 1%
6.22 Idle 84%, explorer.exe 5%, System 5%, taskmgr.exe 3%, lsass.exe 1%,
csrss.exe 1%, iwctrl.exe 1%
5.21 Idle 95%, taskmgr.exe 2%, explorer.exe 1%, lsass.exe 1%,
vmware-authd.exe 1%
4.19 Idle 96%, taskmgr.exe 2%, explorer.exe 1%, lsass.exe 1%
3.20 Idle 96%, taskmgr.exe 4%
1.21 Idle 90%, taskmgr.exe 3%, CCAPP.EXE 2%, CCEVTMGR.EXE 2%, CCPROXY.EXE
1%, SNDSrvc.exe 1%, System 1%
0.21 Idle 95%, taskmgr.exe 4%, vmware-authd.exe 1%

So, the processes active right before the failure, CCPROXY, CCAPP, CCEVTMGR
seem to point the finger at Norton Antivirus, if I can believe what Google
is telling me about these. Perhaps Norton schedules something once an hour
and is causing this failure? I plan to methodically eliminate Norton, then
Microsoft AntiSpyware, then VMWare, one at a time, but with one hour per
experiment, this may take a long time to track down.

Does anyone see anything else here, or have alternative suggestions on what
may be causing explorer.exe to go to 99% CPU every hour?

Thanks for any help with this.


Often after about an hour after reboot, I hear the fan on my Dell
and the machine gets warm because the CPU is pegged at 99%. Why does
explorer.exe go out of control? The machine is sluggish because of this,
and I must reboot to get good performance back.

I'm not the only person with this problem. Google describes several
variations on the same theme:
Do this Google Search: explorer.exe 99% cpu

I've been looking for a solution to this problem for weeks, and Microsoft
While no one responded to my posting, I thought I would post what I've
learned so far.

I was able to reproduce the 99% CPU problem at least six times yesterday.

I turned Norton Internet Security and Norton AntiVirus OFF and the problem
went away (since Norton's processes had been active just prior to the
problem)f. I turned all the Norton Security back ON, and rebooted. Now I
cannot reproduce the problem with 99% CPU by explorer.exe after one hour.

I have no idea why turning Norton OFF and back ON would make this problem go
away, but it did.

Earl F Glynn said:
Does anyone see anything else here, or have alternative suggestions on
what may be causing explorer.exe to go to 99% CPU every hour?

Turning Norton off and back on seem to fix this once, but this 99%
explorer.exe problem has returned randomly this week. I cannot find what's
causing it. Norton can't find it. MS Antispyware doesn't help. THIS IS SO

I have the same problem and I also have a Dell (Inspiron1150) Laptop I also
have Norton installed. The problem only occurs when I'm connected to the net.
I think it started when I upgraded to the latest version of Internet security
(cant be sure as installed lots of upgrades at that time) Drives me mad and
cant seem to find a fix other than the only one I dont want to do re-format
and re-install. Hope you find a fix and I'll keep looking and let you know if
I am succesful